
2 min read

If you're a keen angler looking to create your own homemade pop-up carp bait, then this sweet coconut and lime recipe is a great place to start. It's a dead easy recipe that yields at least 50 buoyant baits for targeting fish off the bottom. Follow the steps below to create your own pop-up bait that won't sink over time.


  • 1 1/2 cups plain or soy flour
  • 1 cup corn flour
  • 1 cup dried milk powder
  • 1 cup grated cream of coconut
  • 1 fresh lime
  • 2 large eggs
  • Water


  1. Add 1 1/2 cups of plain or soy flour to a large mixing bowl.
  2. Next, add 1 cup of corn flour.
  3. Add 1 cup of dried milk powder to the bowl.
  4. Add 1 cup of grated cream of coconut to the bowl. If you don't have cream of coconut, you can use dried coconut flakes instead.
  5. Zest a single fresh lime into a separate container and keep the rest of the lime for use later.
  6. Add the lime zest to the mixing bowl and give everything a good mix with a spoon.
  7. Crack two large eggs into a separate container or bowl and whisk them together using a fork.
  8. Start adding around half of the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and mix it in. Repeat until all the egg mixture has been used up.
  9. Knead the dough until it clumps together. Squeeze all the juice out of the lime that you zested earlier into the bowl. If the dough is still a bit dry, you can add a splash of water or more lime juice to help bind everything together.
  10. Give the dough a final good kneading with your hands until it becomes pliable. It should take you no more than five minutes.
  11. To create the pop-up bait that won't sink over time, use cheap court balls that you can buy by the bagful. The common sizes are from 10mm up to 14mm to suit your bait size.
  12. Take a small pinch of your dough and form it around the court ball. Using the palms of your hands, press and roll the bait into even spheres.
  13. Repeat the process until you've used up all your dough or court balls.
  14. Take a medium-sized saucepan and bring some water to the boil. Flop your individual baits into the boiling water and cook for around two minutes.
  15. Once cooked, remove the baits from the saucepan and allow them to dry for at least two to three days. This will allow your pop-ups to harden up.
  16. Once completely dry, you can place them into an airtight container for future storage.

And there you have it – a reliable floating bait that will target fish up off the bottom when used with your favorite pop-up rig. Give it a try and let us know how you get on! Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to stay tuned in for more fishing tips and tricks.

Last updated 1 year, 2 months