Parramatta River | Sydney

3 min read

Sydney, Australia's largest city, is home to some of the country's most popular fishing spots, including the Hawkesbury River and the Parramatta River. Carp, a common and sought-after species in these waterways, can be caught using a variety of techniques and equipment. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, this guide will provide you with the information you need to have a successful and enjoyable carp fishing experience in Sydney.

Location and Species

Carp can be found in several waterways around Sydney, including the Hawkesbury River, Parramatta River, and Georges River. These rivers provide excellent habitats for carp, which thrive in slow-moving, murky waters with plenty of vegetation. The most commonly caught carp in Sydney are the European Carp and the Goldfish, both of which can grow to be quite large and put up a good fight when hooked.

Season and Time of Day

The best time to catch carp in Sydney is during the warmer months of the year, from October to April. During this time, carp will be actively feeding and more likely to take your bait. The best time of day to fish for carp is early in the morning or late in the afternoon, as the cooler temperatures and low light conditions make them more likely to feed.

Bait and Tackle

Carp can be caught using a variety of baits, including boilies, bread, corn, and worms. When choosing your bait, it's important to consider the type of water you're fishing in and the time of year. For example, in warmer months, carp may be more attracted to sweet and oily baits like corn, while in colder months they may prefer more natural options like worms.

In terms of tackle, a medium to heavy fishing rod with a reel that can hold plenty of line is ideal for carp fishing. A good fishing line, with a breaking strain of 8-10lb, is recommended, as well as a strong hook that can handle the weight and strength of the carp.


There are several techniques you can use to catch carp in Sydney, including fishing with bait, using a bottom rig, and using a float rig. When fishing with bait, it's important to wait for the carp to find your bait and take it before reeling in the line. With a bottom rig, you can fish along the bottom of the river, while a float rig allows you to fish at a specific depth.

Regulations and Licenses

It is important to be aware of the regulations and licenses required for fishing in Sydney's waterways. In New South Wales, you will need a recreational fishing license to fish for carp in the Hawkesbury River, Parramatta River, and Georges River. These licenses can be purchased online or at fishing supply stores. It's also important to be mindful of fishing restrictions and protected areas, which vary depending on the location and species you're targeting.


In conclusion, carp fishing in Sydney can be a fun and rewarding experience, offering the chance to catch a variety of species in some of the city's most picturesque waterways. With the right equipment, bait, and techniques, you can have a successful day on the water and enjoy the beauty of the Hawkesbury River, Parramatta River, and Georges River. Just be sure to follow the regulations and licenses required for fishing in Sydney and respect the environment by practicing catch and release.

Last updated 1 year, 2 months